Child says he is being teased

4:01 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
Note: If your child says that he is being teased or bullied, he probably is. Kid's are extremely cruel and seem to have a great sense on instantly finding out who his different and making their life hell. So please do listen to your kids if they say something like they are looking at me funny or something, they might be just imagining it but from my experience... it's just leading up to the real teasing and bullying.


3:51 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
So my latest obsession is what I'm sure is many other peoples latest obsession because it is ALLLLLL over the internet. The obsession is... My Little Pony...

I'm totally in love with My Little Pony lately, and yes it is a children's tv show but the characters, animation and the script is great so I love it to bits. I even made my own OC, Thunder Chaser

Maybe this won't mean much to the general people who I expect to read this blog, as it has nothing to do with me living with my aspergers, adhd, insomnia and depression or anything like that but I guess it does show that having obsessions as someone with Aspergers doesn't really change. The obsessions just change over time ...  I may be a bit too obsessed with my own character right now as my boyfriend tells me all I'm talking about is ponies. Nevertheless he doesn't seem to care too much. I guess I'm saying accept that you or the person you will know will really latch on to something and obsess the hell out of it once and a while. It happens.  :D


A disease?!

3:47 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
If I hear one more person talk about Aspergers or ADHD like it's a disease... well I'm gonna end up hitting them. There are way too many people who actually go on about well they can't help it, they have a disease. OR people that are actually scared to hang around people like me because they are scared they're actually going to catch what I have.
This truly sickens me. Like I can deal with it and I've learnt how to but to think other kids are going through this just makes me want to hit the people who have these presumptions.

I was at a bible camp studying for the hsc (I'm not relgious but it was the only study camp and I REALLY needed to get some study done) and well we somehow got on to the discussion of Aspergers and how some people with aspergers rather not be around people. No one in that silly little bible group knew I had aspergers and so someone came out and said "Well those people are sick so of course they would want that" and I just looked her in the eyes and said... I  have aspergers. Whole room went silent.

So yeah... people seem to actually believe that aspergers or/and adhd is a disease and not only is it an illness but its something you can catch from other people. Something is terribly wrong with this...

Me in a book?

3:12 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
When I was 12 years old I was intereviewd for this book called 'Asperger Syndrome, adolescence, and identity' by Harvey Molloy and Latika Vasil. They intereviewed me as a young teenager having Aspergers. You can actually buy the book and read a whole chapter about me (Chapter 4) Sarah's Story. Yeah they gave me a fake name in case I was embaressed about being in the book later on. They also gave my family and friend's fake names...but all the stuff about me is there.

Such as me when I was 12 I told the man interviewing me, 'One friend even emailed me saying, "You're just not my type. You're not the kind of friend who I'd hang around with."' and 'I was tested for ADHD when I was about seven or eight. My Mum thought I acted strangely so I got tested'

It's always interesting to re-read what I said...but some parts also make me feel kinda sad because it reminds me how much people made fun of me for being different. Anyway the books there if you ever want to read it and I guess learn a bit more about me :P

I might post more bits from it later on... 



5:04 AM Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »
I'm wondering if I should advertise my blog.
I mean I've already put my blog up on my facebook (which hardly anyone noticed...) but I mean really advertise. Putting up banners or those little icons on other peoples sites. Writing about it in my journals on the random sites I'm part of.. and so on and so forth...

What do you guys think?
Is this a worthy thing to advertise?
Will it mean anything to anyone?


Describing my blog

4:59 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
So I was at work tonight and I was trying to describe my blog to some co-workers. It was really odd... I guess I've never told them that I have adhd, aspergers, insomnia, depression blah blah blah lol. So they were just standing them looking at me with full interest and in weird silence... it made me feel weird.
Like maybe what I was doing was important.. or maybe it was just really odd. Maybe I was just really odd... but then again we already know that IS true.

Anyway what I'm saying is ... trying to describe my blogs to others is really weird and kinda hard. I try to explain that I want to show the view of someone with aspergers because people seem so interested and that I kind of want to help people with aspergers or their parents who are well honestly scared. I guess in the end I'm not totally sure why I'm writing this blog but I do hope that it helps some people.

On the good side my co-worker now said he would check out my blog :)
So I guess this post is for you Melvin!


ADHD + V = Bad Idea

4:50 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
So I got a big can of V yesterday at about 11pm. Not a good idea....
I drank about half of it and I was seriously up to 4 or 5am

It makes me wonder what would have happened if I drank the whole thing lol

I drank a monster shot once a few months ago and I got sooooooo hyper, it also made my heart felt weird so that can't be good.

So I guess in the end what I'm trying to say is someone with ADHD having an energy drink is probably a really bad idea. I want to jump and dance and I can hardly concentrate. I mean its like ADHD x 2 XD

Nevertheless I love those energy drinks and lots of sugar. I mean I'm drinking a slurpee and eating a curly wurly right now XXD


4:53 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
Sorry guys for not posting for ages.
Life just got in the way as usual and I guess I really didn't know what to post. Luckily I just made a list of like ten ideas for posts so I will be posting those up over this month :D
But if you guys want to know anything or have an idea on what I should post PLEASE tell me ...or I may just run out of ideas again ><