Answering Question 2

1:45 AM Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »
Another question by SM :D

'Hi Aura,
I knew it took me a longtime to get over being bullied at school. I'm still supersensitive to hearing about bullying and hate get very assertive when people put me down even now.
It does get better with time. I especially felt better when other people starting to embrace and appreciate my weird ways .Hang in there!
I also have another question (you didn't answer my last one)
Anyway, I know someone that is struggling a bit now as a young aspie teen with being bullied at school .Anyway, the teachers are saying the usual line that their behaviour is provoking the other kids . Were there any books, films, groups or anything that helped you embrace your aspie difference and feel better about yourself as a young teen ?

Well thanks for another question SM
The honest answer to this I guess is that just to look for strong characters in books and films. Because in the end all you can really be is strong. The thing that I think that this aspie should know is that it ISNT his fault. Someone teasing him is their fault, not his. If he isn't hurting anyone then how could it be his fault?!
Sooo yeah
the only advice I can give this young aspie is to remember that they are in the right and to be strong because they are who they are and nothing is going to change it. It's the people who are hurting him because of him being who he is, is in the wrong. They are the ones who need to change their way, not the other way around.
They are fine. The others are in the wrong.

Does this make sense?
I hope so


Answering Question 1

1:44 AM Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »
So the question was:
'I would like to know how you get on with other people with Aspergers.
Do you find yourself making friends more often with Aspies or "neurotypicals " ? How does it feel when you meet others that say they have Aspergers? Thanks -SM'

Well SM,
I get along with other people with aspergers better then I guess most other people that don't understand aspergers. I had a best friend with aspergers and we got along very well. Lately I don't have any friends with aspergers though.
I do find myself making friends with people that are more 'weird' then 'normal', if thats what you mean. They don't often have aspergers but they are more geeky and weird against others I guess.
When people tell me that they have aspergers, I am honestly intrigued and want to be their friend. I sadly learnt from past experience though that not all people with aspergers are nice... so I'm not as enthuasiastic when learning about someone having aspergers as I was before.

Want to know more?
Just ask :D

Thanks for the question